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HRP Mamas
HomeSubgroups by Due/Birth Date


One of HRP Mamas' core missions is to foster community among the mothers of Lower Manhattan. One of the ways we do this is by creating sub-groups by due date or by birth year of the child. This is intended as a way to replicate the intimate atmosphere of the original mothers circle our organization was born from.

Each subgroup by due/birth date offers private chat groups by neighborhood for: Tribeca, FiDi, Battery Park City, SoHo, West Village, Chelsea, Lower East Side and East Village. These chats are used for in person meet-ups and connecting in between.

The Hudson River Park Mothers Group is committed to helping mothers connect no matter what the age of their children. From newborns to teenagers, we have subgroups to help moms create a circle of support.

Our smaller, more intimate sub-groups, help mamas make in person connections and facilitate the organization of social events via our polls and calendar listings. HRP Mamas sub-groups are the place where mamas connect organically, independently, and spontaneously with other neighborhood mamas, to set up playgroups, private classes, get-togethers, brunches, dinners, book groups, stroller walks, running groups, baby & me exercise classes, art gallery walks, and much more.

For mamas with newborns HRP Mamas also provides a series of weekly free pre-organized meet-ups at a local venue. Details and RSVP info about these can be found on the sub-groups.
Available Subgroups by Birth Year:

2022 (Q1/Q2/Q3/Q4)
2023 (Q1/Q2/Q3/Q4)
2024 (Q1/Q2/Q3/Q4)

Members: Find your subgroup HERE.

Mothers circles, playgroups, and meet-ups are wonderful grassroots peer to peer, mom to mom, social events. Our organization facilitates these events by connecting verified local mamas to one another and providing the support needed to help organize these in a supportive and completely commercial free environment. Mothers circles foster a safe and supportive environment through which mamas may explore their shared experience of motherhood.

Once a mama joins HRP Mamas she is assigned to a sub-group along with other mamas due around the same time period as she is or who have children born in the same year. We usually have four sub-groups per calendar year. As the babies get older we then merge our sub-groups in to annual groups so that mamas can connect about big transitions beyond the infant stage such as pre-school, Kindergarten and the Tween & Teen years.

We encourage mamas in our network to use the subgroups to organize mom social events, to RSVP for our mothers circles, and to also use these to organize family events, dad led playgroups, grandparent led playrgoups, as well as caregiver led playgroups.

If you have recently joined and have not yet accessed your subgroup please email our Membership Coordinator so that we may help you sign-up for the appropriate subgroups.